Many people suffer from various forms of aches and pains with back pain being amongst the fore- runners in common aches. The causes of back pain can vary from work related stress and fatigue to improper posture. There are other numerous causes for back ache but most common is injury due to bad posture as well as improper use of the back in day to day or once in a while tasks. Pregnancy may also cause discomfort in the back due to the additional weight and strain placed on the body. The best way of dealing with back pain is firstly to prevent it. Preventing back complications can be done simply through proper posture, correct usage of the back in tasks as well as regular exercise.
To relieve back aches you can use ice to reduce the inflammation. Within the first 34 hours ice is effective in reducing inflammation as well as relieving some pain. To use this remedy place ice cubes in a polythene bag and wrap a towel around the bag. Placing the ice on the affected are for thirty minutes at a time can go a long way in relieving pain.
Heat can be used to relieve pain after it has been 24 hours since the onset of the pain. Heat works by relaxing the muscles as well as improving circulation to the back. There are a number of home items you may use as a heat pack if you do not have one. A hot water bottle may be used or even cooked rice placed in a bag and heated in a microwave. Heat as a remedy may be used while in a hot bath, using Epsom salts may also aid in reducing the pain as they reduce swelling.
Another home remedy for back pain is massaging with eucalyptus oil. The healing properties of eucalyptus are well documented and it is no surprise that this oil will relieve back aches as it is absorbed into the skin. A twenty to thirty minute massage may be all the difference e between constant throbbing pain and relief.
These are only a few home remedies that you may try to relieve back pain it is important however to seek professional advice if the pain is persistent, as a result of a blow or fall or accompanied by other aches or numbness.
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